








台灣急救加護醫學會(TSECCM) 、中華民國重症醫學會(TSCCM)、與日本重症醫學會(JSICM)將舉辦台日聯合雙邊論壇這是一場最新學術和研究成果的講座旨在促進台灣和日本急重症學會間的交流與合作。第一次聯合學術會議將於 2022 3 20 日(星期日)與 JSICM 49 屆學術年會同時舉辦線上會議。




日期:2022 3 18 (星期五) - 2022 3 20 (星期日)




第一屆聯合學術會議/ 49 JSICM 年會邀請有興趣在大會發表演講的人提交演講摘要。在聯合學術會議發表之前,摘要所涵蓋的內容不得在國家或國際會議上發表。所有摘要必須通過電子郵件Email提交。

在聯合學術會議上,將選擇台灣和日本各兩位獲選講者進行線上演講。其他未獲選演講摘要可選擇提交為 JSICM 49 屆年會的國際會議論文摘要競賽。


演講摘要開放投稿日期自: 2021 11 22


演講摘要提交截止日期為: 2021 12 18 日上午 7 (台灣時間)




 演講摘要錄取通知將於12 月下旬以Email發送。

 演講摘要提交細節,請見附件Call for abstract英文版說明。


Instructions for the abstract email submission

Title: TSCCM/TSECCM/JSICM Joint Congress abstract submission

Email to: office@jsicm.org


Body text must include the following information.

l  Full name of the presenter with academic title(s), corresponding Email address.

l  Eligibility of the presenter for the New Investigator Award (select one).

ú   Yes, I am eligible for the New Investigator Award (attached CV).

ú   No, I am not eligible for the New Investigator Award.

l  Your request for the presentation at the 49th Annual Meeting of the JSICM (select one).

ú   Yes, I am interested in the short presentation at the 49th Annual Meeting of the JSICM if the submitted work is not accepted for the TSCCM/TSECCM/JSICM Joint Congress.

ú   No, I am not interested in the short presentation at the Annual Meeting of the JSICM.


Abstract Guidelines

l  Only abstracts submitted in English will be reviewed.

l  Abstracts are to be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).

l  Text should be single-spaced throughout, in 12-point using a standard sans-serif font, e.g., Helvetica, Arial or Calibri.

l  Abstract should contain sufficient information so that it will be a complete report of the presentation.

l  Title should be followed by the full names of the authors and the affiliations.

l  The following information of the presenter should be included: Full name with academic title(s), name of affiliated institution(s), postal address, Email address.

l  Abstract headings should contain Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion(s).

l  Text should not contain subheadings, underlines, or bold type.

l  Abstracts must have a maximum of 300 words. Character count includes blank spaces, punctuation, symbols, returns, etc.


Abstracts not submitted in this format may not be considered for review.

If eligible for the New Investigator Award, a CV including a full list of publications should be attached.


If you have any difficulties or queries about the abstract format, please contact the Joint Congress secretariat by email at office@jsicm.org.


(Please refer to the next page for the introduction of Awards)



l  Best Presenter Award - TSCCM, TSECCM, JSICM: Awarded for the best lecture/research presentation at the Joint Scientific Congress of TSCCM, TSECCM and JSICM.

l  Joint Congress Award - TSCCM, TSECCM, JSICM: Awarded for the selected research presentation(s) at the Joint Scientific Congress of TSCCM, TSECCM and JSICM.


l  New Investigator Award - TSCCM, TSECCM, JSICM: Awarded for the best research presentation(s) by a new investigator at the Joint Scientific Congress of TSCCM, TSECCM and JSICM. The presenter meet at least one of the following criteria as a new investigator:

Ø  < 5 years of research career demonstrated as a 1st author of publications in intensive care

Ø  < 5 years after PhD granted

Ø  < 40 years old


l  Best Abstract Award - TSCCM, TSECCM, JSICM: Awarded for the best abstract presented at the international session in the 49th JSICM Annual Meeting.

2021/11/26 | 點閱率:1269